Oct 17, 2019
Ever wonder what's scarier than a black site detention center in a fascist dictatorship? Try an Islamic ghoul bent on exposing the guilt and shame of the interrogators. This week, Marcus and Melissa geek out about George Orwell and Patrick Graham's "Ghoul," a dystopian horror that's light on gore and deep on psychological unease. The also both miss Jon Stewart and wonder how Dana Scully would fare in a dictatorship.
Motion Picture Terror Scale: 3 (Marcus) / 3 (Melissa). Quality: 4/4. Did my future wife watch this movie? No. Does it pass the Bechdel Test? Yes.
Articles mentioned in this episode:
Subversive, Artistic and Rooted: The New Hindi Horror Film, by Sankhayan Ghosh and Gayle Sequeira in Film Companion
'Ghoul' Director Patrick Graham: 'I wanted to bring a new, old legend to the forefront,' by Udita Jhunjhunwala in Scroll.in
13 quotes from George Orwell's 1984 that resonate more than ever, by Joel Willans in Ink Tank
Jon Stewart: 'I'm doing a movie about torture - I'm not being tortured,' by Paul MacInnes in The Guardian