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Every week, Imported Horror brings you the best of fiendish ghouls, bloodthirsty zombies and creepy ghosts from beyond the shining seas. We explore international horror movies and television shows from around the globe that are readily available on American streaming services. All episodes are spoiler-free.

Oct 6, 2023

Welcome to Cthuluween! We're celebrating the most wonderful time of the year with a month-long series of cosmic tentacles. First up is Dagon (Spain, 2001), a fun low-budger romp with fish people and a horny water god. You'll never guess what HP Lovecraft story it's based on. We also review Blood Glacier (Austria, 2013), a Thing adaptation that peaks with the Asylum-y line, "Stop eating that banana while you're crying!" before nose-diving with a super uncomfortable pet death scene and odd choices. Also, British werewolves, Thai monsters and a slasher wearing a lamb costume are all dropping this week, plus the triumphant return of the Funk Bot.